Friday, June 2, 2017


There is no unanimous definition of development planning. Most economists belie that it is a deliberate control and direction of the economy by a central authority for the purpose of achieving targets and objectives within a specified period of time.

Clarence Zwekas defines development planning as "the use by a government of a coordinated set of policy instruments to achieve national or regional economic objectives". Albert Waterston sees it as "a deliberate and continuing attempt by government to accelerate the rate of economic and social problems and to alter institutional arrangements, which are considered to block the attainment of these goals.

But professor Longe defines development planning as "Government deliberate influence, control and direction of the economy for the purpose of accelerating the rate of economic and social progress, using a set of coordinated instruments within a specified period of time" this definition is made up of six (6) elements, the classification of which enable us to understand the meaning and implication of development planning.
1.     GOVERNMENT: Development planning is undertaken, initiated and implemented by government. In a Federal set up like Nigeria, various levels are involved the federal, state and local government. The federal initiates and the state and local must ensure that they fit into the plans of the federal. However, the .activities of government pushes the private sector to behave in certain manner.
2.     DELIBERATE INFLUENCE, CONTROL AND DIRECTION: Government initiates development, planning, but it influences, direct and control so that desired line of action undertaken by the government or private is achieve. Whether government efforts influence, directs and controls as dependent on the type of the economy being operated i.e. ideology socialist, capitalist or mixed. In a capitalist system, the government influences largely, while a mixed a economy controls, while in a socialist system it controls and directs.
3.     OF THE ECONOMY: Here the government's action affects the economy of the country. When the actions cover the whole economy, it is known as comprehensive planning. When partial (industry, agric etc) it is known as a partial plan.
4.     FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACCELERATING ECONOMY AND OF SOCIAL PROGRESS: This entails or is aimed al improving the well being of the people leading to changes in this political, cultural, economic and social development of the economy.
5.     USING A SET OF COORDINATED POLITICAL INSTRUMENTS: Those instruments are geared toward the same purpose. The combination of tools used in determined by the economic system adopted by the nation. In capitalist economy, monetary and fiscal with direct government involvement in economy and the execution of the plan; In socialist the government implement the plan and determines every aspect of the plain
6.     WITHIN A SPECIFY PERIOD OF TIME: Development planning has a time dimension it is not an unlimited exercise. There are three type-short term, long-term perspective and medium   Development plans are usually incorporated into the budget. Nigeria used to undertake 5 years development plan but by 1985 it was changed to 3 years rolling plan.


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  2. This is not what I asked for πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ˜ˆ
