Friday, June 2, 2017


Society that uses mechanical power in the process of production rather than human and animal power;it is a society where sophisticated machines are used; it is predominated by the use of mechanical power. In industrial society there are several occupational activities unlike in the rural society where it is predominated by agriculture.
Characteristics of Industrial Societies
1.     Power-driving machines that performs works.
2.     Involves a variety difference economic activity.
3.     Increasing occupational specialization.
4.     There is division of labour.
5.     Production takes place in a formalized way.
6.     Increased urbanization.
7.     A shift in status achievement from ascription to achievement.
Changes That Emanated as a Result of Industrialization
1.     Industrialization brings about change in the method production.
2.     Invention and innovation in the area of power.
3.     Telegram was invented which leads to easy communication.
4.     Changes in the area of agriculture; using heaving machines instead of using cows and men for making ridges, and so on.
5.     Brings efficiency that affected every aspect of live in society.
6.     It leads to a new class structure, in capitalist societies there are only two classes of people i.e. bourgeoisie and the proletarians.
7.     It brings about a change in condition of working class; i.e. chemicals affecting the workers; workers are seen as spare parts – they are exposed to different kinds of risk etc.
8.     Industrialization leads to urbanization; urbanization leads to the development of towns and cities, which leads to unemployment, destitution, prostitution thugs, crimes of different forms emerges as a result of urbanization.
9.     It cause the destruction of stable social structures:  Before  industrialization, people live within their own organized family, they have their own organized family, they have their own norms, the ways of bringing up their own children but as industrialization emerged, their structures were destroyed people leave their homes to the cities.
10.It leads to the emergence of new laws to suit the factory system. E.g. women Act, children Act, employment contracts before industrialization; employment contracts doesn't exist, the head of the household own the labour of his wife and his children. Laws promulgated the minimum wages, laws for retirement etc.

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