Friday, June 2, 2017


After completing his study of 19th century sociological theory, Giddens developed his own theory of structuration sometime in 1980s. To introduce his theory, he says that THE ACTIONS OF AN ACTOR ARE TAKEN IN THE CONTINUITY WITH PAST. But, in fresh action, he also reproduces his existing structure. The continuity of the past and the reproduction of the present structure is what he calls ‘structuration'.

Giddens’ definition of structure inherently involves structuration. The actor always does some activity, and while doing the activity he is actually doing structuration, i.e., reproducing structure. Thus, reproduction of structure is structuration. In his book, Central Problems in Social Theory (1979), Giddens has defined structuration. Structuration actually describes an action: ‘to structurate’ or “to do or produce structure".

Giddens has placed great emphasis on individual action:
As a leading theorem of the theory of structuration, I advance the following: every social actor knows a great deal about the conditions of reproduction of the society of which he or she is a member. Action has two things:
a)     actor and
b)    Social structure.
Classical theorists have argued all through their works that the social structure subordinates the activities of actor. For these classical thinkers actor or individual is always given a rear seat. This problem has been raised by Giddens. It is dualism. We shall discuss dualism with some elaboration at a later stale.

Definition of Peter Kivisto (1998) on Structuration
The theory of structuration is an attempt to overcome the dualism that he sees as plaguing other theories a dualism that gives priority either to actors or to social structures. Structures are created by humans, but they in turn constrain and enable human action.

Actually, the dominance of functionalism and system theory in U.S. has put the individual or the actor in background. This was not acceptable to Giddens. He tried to bring the individual back into social theory.

Calling his theory a non-functionalist manifesto, Giddens argued that any theory that treats social systems as ends in themselves is invalid, and he claimed he was trying to recover the subject or actor without lapsing into subjectivism. He further argues that both subject and object, that is, individual and system, exist.

What Giddens has argued in propounding the theory of structuration is that it is necessary for modem social sciences to re-read the classical sociologists to gather inspiration for a modern and more contemporary sociological theory. Through this theory, he makes a break with structural functionalism and Parsons’ action sociology. He also rejects interactionism of Herbert Blumer and Harold Garfinkel.

At the same time, Giddens emphasizes that it takes more than Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim to create a foundation for a theory that wants to highlight the special character of modem society. It takes a different and new type of sociological theory' that goes beyond the foundational problems in classical sociology.

According to Giddens, classical and modern contributions to the social sciences share a number of problems. They all contain seemingly incompatible conceptions of society.
a)     Is society made up of the sum of individual's actions? Or,
b)    Is society more than the sum of these actions and is there a social structure that is independent of each individual's actions?

Major features of Structuration Theory:
Giddens’ theory of structuration is spread over to several sources. In a broader way, he has emphasized on:
1)    Human agency, i.e., agent – structure dualism,
2)    Social practice,
3)    Reflexivity, and
4)    Structure.

Key features which make structuration an ongoing process of social life
1.     Agent – structure dualism:
Sociological theory, in a broader way, is divided into two groups.
a)     One group of theories views society from the perspective of system, structure or production relations and advocates that society or social structure determines the actions of the actor or agent. In this ease, individual is a mere puppet who is constantly constrained by the social structure.
b)    The second group of theory consists of micro-theories. These theories put an emphasis on the individual or agent. The actors and the sum of their actions make up society and there are no structures or systems that are independent of the actors.

The strong emphasis on the individual and its actions in action sociological theories leads to a neglect of adequate understanding of social institutions. Giddens is very much critical of Max Weber and Emile Durkheim on one hand, and George Herbert Mead, Erving Goffman, Harold Garfinkel, Alfred Schulz and other micro-sociologists, on the other hand. Giddens raises some important questions:
a)     To what degree can we as individuals create our own lives and frames for our lives, and
b)    To what degree are we already constrained by society and its structures when we are born?

The two groups of sociological theories answer these questions differently. Obviously, there is a dualism between agent or actor and structure of society. It is this dualism that provides logic for building the theory of structuration.

2.     Social Practice: The Concept of Agent:
Social practice is an important part of the theory' of structuration. Our society, in fact, consists of social practices. These social practices are produced and reproduced by the agent or actor. Giddens does not explain social practices in terms of the subordination or super-ordination of actor or social structure.

He gives definition of social practice with the concept of agent. It is the agent or the actor who is knowledgeable about most of his action. This knowledge about social practice comes through Practical Consciousness. In order to board the city bus, I stand in a queue to the ticket window, purchase the ticket and wait for the bus of my route.

I occupy my seat and get alight when I reach my place of destination. This wealth of knowledge, which is primarily expressed by me, is the result of my practical consciousness. Giddens says that we possess enough knowledge to carry out our day-to-day activities. But, this knowledge is not based on logic or it is not formulated discursively.

For instance, I cannot explain the scarce frequency of the buses of my route; I cannot likewise give an explanation of the amount charges for my journey. All this falls within the realm of the managers who conduct the city bus journey. Discursive means proceeding on logical arguments. Normally, the agents perform their social practices in a routinized way. This performance stems from practical consciousness.

3.     Reflexivity:
It is an unconscious self which determines the activity of a person. All other things of the life are either done logically or in a practical way but some of the activities which are inner part of the self they get their reflection in the activities of the actor. The reflexivity is the inner design of the actor and in the known routine behaviour; he allows his reflexivity to come out.

Discursive consciousness or logical consciousness is different from practical level of consciousness, which includes knowledge we cannot immediately account for. A discursive explanation implies that we explicitly express how we travel in a city bus. By highlighting the knowledge of the agent, Giddens emphasizes that systems and structures do not act ‘behind the actor’.

"Actually, the discursive reflexivity in an action gives us the opportunity to change our patterns of action. Not all motives for action are found at a ‘conscious’ level." So, in contrast to many action sociologists, Giddens employs an unconscious level which comprises actions spurred by unconscious motives.

The unconscious comprises repressed or distorted knowledge. Giddens further provides an explanation to the three levels of knowledge: “The transition from discursive (logical) to practical knowledge may be diffuse, but there is a ‘bar' between these two types of knowledge and unconscious motives which, for example, because of repression, cannot immediately turn into conscious knowledge." All the three levels are:
·        Unconscious level.
·        Practical conscious level and
·        Discursive level of knowledge         

Are important But, out of the three levels, practical knowledge seems to be most decisive for an understanding of social life.

4.     What is Structure?
Giddens gives his theory of structuration with the firm argument that sociology' should give either actor or structure as its point of departure. He claims that the actor – structure relationship must be seen as a duality of structure. By this, he means that a coherent relation goes a long way in establishing that structure is both a medium and an outcome of the actor's actions.

After having redefined the concepts of agent and action, Giddens takes up the task of redefining social structure. He distinguishes between structure and system. Social systems consist of relations between actors or collectivities that are reproduced across time and space, that is, actions that are repeated and therefore extend beyond one single action. Social systems are social practice produced, thus creating a pattern of social relations.

Giddens defines structure in the context of his theory of structuration. A structure is characterized by the absence of acting subjects and exists only ‘virtually’. Accordingly, structures are present only as options that have not manifested themselves actively.

This indicates that Giddens' concept of structure is to a large extent inspired by structuration.

Giddens further qualifies his definition of structure:
Structures exist only in practice itself and in our human memory, which we use when we act. Structure is not an external frame. Structures emerge in our memory, traces only when we reflect discursively on a previous action. In other words, structure does not exist, it is continuously produced via agents who draw on this very structure (or rather structural properties) when they act.

Thus, the key features of structure given by Giddens are:
1)          Structures exist only in human memory.
2)          Structures exist only in practice. They are produced by agents, i.e., actors.
3)          Structures enable us to do actions. They also exercise control on the actor.
4)          Structures consist of rules and resources which agents or actors draw upon in the production and reproduction of social life.

Lars Bo Kaspersen has summarized Giddens’ concept of structure as under:
Thus, agent, action and structure are connected, and therefore structure in Giddens’ terms cannot be conceived as something external or outside of the agent. The traditional concept of structure is dissolved and simultaneously becomes the medium for and outcome of the social practice of the agent.

Giddens makes a bold observation: Structure – actor relationship is no longer conceived as a dualism. Neither the actor determines the structure nor does the structure determine the actor. He advances the theory of duality of structure. The concept of duality of structure connects the production of social interaction performed by knowledgeable agents, with the reproduction of social systems across time and space.

Thus Giddens' theory of structuration has been a part of a big project over which he worked for about thirty years. He established his dialogue with the classical and modem social theory. Structuration theory thus is the outcome of his prolonged debate with foundational theorists.

His theory has not gone unnoticed by the sociologists of U.S. and Europe. His major critics include C.G. A. Bryant, D. Jary, Clark et al., I. J. Cohen, I. Craib, J.B. Thompson, K.H. Trucker and Stephan Mestrovic.
Two major criticisms come out of structuration. One group of critics comprising Thompson, Archer, Layder and Livesay, points out that
a)     Giddens puts too much emphasis on the actor and the enabling side of the agent at the expense of the constraining element, that is, structural frames.
b)    Giddens does not specify how enabling or constraining structures are.

The other side of the criticism concerns the applicability of the theory in relation to empirical analyses. Gregson, Bertilsson and Thrift claim that
a)     Although structuration theory is interesting and perhaps transcends some dualistic problems at a theoretic level, it is less fruitful in empirical research. The abstract level of the theory weakens its fruitfulness.

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