Friday, June 2, 2017


Specifically, the subject matters of demography covers;
1.     The size, composition and distribution of human population of a given area at a specific point in time.
2.     Changes in population size and composition.
3.     The component of these changes particularly fertility, mortality, and migration.
4.     The factors that affects these component of change.
5.     The consequences of changes in population size, composition and distribution, all in the components themselves.

Broadly speaking therefore, Demography looks at everything that influences population size, distribution process and the influence that change in population has on other contemporary issues.

A demographer therefore, seeks to provide answers to the following types of questions.
1.     What is the number of people in each country, town, city, community and what is the geographical distribution of these persons by various characteristics?
2.     What are the current trends, levels and patterns of fertility or morality?
3.     Is the population increasing or decreasing and at what rate is the population and how the population increases or decreases?
4.     What are the patterns of movement of the population and how is the population being redistributed over time?
Thus, a demographer is concerned with the careful, objective and systematic study of human population.

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